Guian Fang

I am a Ph.D. student at Show Lab, National University of Singapore, advised by Prof. Mike Zheng Shou.

Previously, I received my B.Eng. in HCPLab, Artificial Intelligence at the School of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, advised by Xiaodan Liang (梁小丹), co-supervised by Shengcai Liao.

Additionally, I was a research scientist at Cybever AI in Sunnyvale, where I cooperated with a small team that mostly works on 3D computer vision and Large language model.


I'm interested in computer vision, deep learning, generative AI, and AI alignment. Most of my research will be about video understanding and generation. Representative papers are highlighted.

Generate 3D Worlds in Production with AI
Cybever*, Guian Fang*

Image-to-3D: Let AI do the heavy lifting so 3D Professionals can do the storytelling

HumanRefiner: Benchmarking Abnormal Human Generation and Refining with Coarse-to-fine Pose-Reversible Guidance
Guian Fang*, Wenbiao Yan*, Yuanfan Guo*, Jianhua Han, Zutao Jiang, Hang Xu, Shengcai Liao, Xiaodan Liang
ECCV, 2024
dataset page / arXiv

In this project, we introduce AbHuman, the first large-scale benchmark focused on anatomical anomalies. The benchmark consists of 56K synthesized human images, each annotated with 147K human anomalies in 18 different categories. Based on this, we developed HumanRefiner, a novel plug-and-play method for coarse-to-fine refinement of human anomalies.

ChartThinker: A Contextual Chain-of-Thought Approach to Optimized Chart Summarization
Mengsha Liu, Daoyuan Chen, Yaliang Li, Guian Fang, Ying Shen
LREC-Coling, 2024
dataset page / arXiv

In this project, we address the challenges of chart summarization through our development of ChartThinker, an innovative method that leverages natural language processing to enhance visual-language matching and reasoning capabilities. Our approach involves a large-scale dataset featuring diverse chart-caption pairs and detailed fine-tuning instructions, significantly improving training data effectiveness. ChartThinker employs thought chains and context retrieval strategies to produce logically coherent and accurate summaries. Demonstrating superior performance, our model outperforms eight state-of-the-art models across seven evaluation metrics.

Honors & Awards

Activities & Services


I feel incredibly fortunate to have collaborated with such remarkable individuals who have generously offered me their mentorship.

Cybever Logo

@ Cybever Inc.

CTO, Jie Yang

GVLab Logo

@ OpenGVLab, Shanghai AI Lab

Dr. Peng Gao

Huawei Logo

@ Noah's Ark Lab, Huawei

Dr. Hang Xu

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the researchers who have cited my work. Your recognition and support are invaluable.

Special thanks to Chen Liu for developing the CitationMap tool, which made visualizing my citations possible.